Creatives React to LinkedIn Marketing

March 9, 2021

LinkedIn's B2B Ballet: A Dance

There's a certain rhythm to the B2B marketing tango on LinkedIn. We came across a post, that laid out the steps to this dance with the precision of a drill sergeant. It was all there: post daily, curate content, use hashtags. It read like a recipe from a 1950s cookbook—functional, but lacking soul.

Consistency: The Drumbeat

The gospel according to LinkedIn preaches consistency as the path to salvation. Post daily, it commands, but not too much. Keep it varied. It's advice that's as safe as a meatloaf on a diner menu. But here's the thing: the real magic happens off-script. It's not just about keeping time; it's about knowing when to throw in a drum solo that gets the whole room's attention.

Quality Content: More Than Just Ingredients

Sure, instructional content is the meat and potatoes of LinkedIn engagement. But anyone can follow a recipe. The secret? It's not just what you serve; it's how you serve it. It's the difference between a greasy spoon and a Michelin-starred joint. Your content needs to have that extra zest, that secret spice that has them coming back for more.

Video Content: The Sizzle

Videos are the sizzle, the razzle-dazzle. They're the neon sign that draws the moths to the flame. But remember, even the brightest light fades if there's no heat. Your videos need to crackle with the energy of a live wire, jolting your audience awake like a double shot of espresso at 3 a.m. Think about the fast paced editing and captions.

Hashtags and Algorithms: The Backstage Pass

Hashtags are your backstage pass, your secret knock on the speakeasy door. But in a world where everyone's whispering the same password, you need to be the one who owns the stage. Creating waves.

In Conclusion: The Last Call

Let's not fool ourselves into thinking it's as simple as following a step-by-step guide. It's a dance in the dark, a game of jazz where the notes you don't play are just as important as the ones you do.

Let's not just dance to the music; let's play the damn tune.

#LinkedInB2B #MarketingStrategies #LeadGeneration #ContentMarketing #VideoContent #NetworkingForBusiness #LinkedInHashtags #Analytics #OrganicReach #B2BMarketingTips

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